Coming Soon from Grey Tracer
Grey currently has three works underway. Please check here for progress statements about each, as well as future publication dates.
Sandbox Creations with John Peter
"To have a childhood is to live a thousnd lives before the one." Rainer Maria Rilke
In writing the "Sandbox" series, Grey's intent is to provide stories of interest while encouraging little ones to use their imagination.

Meet Chaw
Look for publication of the second edition in late spring 2025.
"Meet Chaw" is an adventure story complete with a sandbox, mountains, and a fire-breathing dragon.
When his traveling companions ask where they shall go "this day" John Peter informs them they will be going to the "castle's wall" to meet Chaw, a dragon. Naturally, the traveling companions have questions, sensing the adventure might be dangerous. John Peter avoids talking about the dangers of the trip yet assures all that he will handle the dragon when they arrive at the gate.